Friday, 26 June 2020

Our Safety Plan

Carrara Community Centre’s

Safety checklist – 1st June 2020

o   Centre has all the signage to communicate with visitors about how the restrictions will work while in our facility

o   Anyone entering our Centre will need to observe social distancing and be compliant with COID SAFE checklist Our space has been marked out either in 1.5-meter distancing or 4 square meter distancing depending on the type of activity.

o   Allocating participation spaces to maximise physical distancing (e.g. separate areas for assembly, warm up, cool down and separate areas for groups of participants)

o   Centre provides hand sanitisers on entry and exit to venue.

o   Clear markings on floor space in communal areas   

o   We have clear signage on or around equipment and venue.

o   We encourage members to ‘Get in, train and get out’ by being prepared for training prior to arrival at venue (i.e. minimise need to use/gather in hall or meeting room and bathrooms).

o   Follow a safety plan that include cleaning all touch points within the rooms that are used.

o   Centre has cleaning protocols in place for facilities particularly in between group classes.

o   Implemented attendance logs to record activity and visitors to assist with tracing if it is required which include Name, address and phone numbers

Personal hygiene

 For Visitors, participants, instructors, these hygiene practices are a must in this COVID-19 environment. • Hand washing/sanitising. • Covering your coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues and hand washing immediately after. • Not sharing water bottles. • Avoid touching your face. • Clean equipment after use. • Limit touching surfaces.  • Do not attend your sport and recreation activity if you are unwell.